Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate. In humans, the most important related compounds of vitamin D are vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) can be ingested from the diet and/or supplements. Vitamin D3 is the only vitamin the body can manufacture from sunlight (UVB). Yet, with today’s indoor living and the extensive use of sunscreens due to concern about skin cancer, we are now a society with millions of individuals deficient in life-sustaining bone building and immune modulating 1,25-dihydroxy Vitamin D3. The latest research, shows that 1,25-dihyroxy Vitamin D3 deficiency is linked to a surprising number of other health conditions such as depression, back pain, cancer, both insulin resistance and pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, impaired immunity and macular degeneration.

Vitamin D3 is both a vitamin and a hormone. It acts as a vitamin when it binds with calcium for proper absorption. Humans cannot digest calcium without adequate amounts of Vitamin D3. A Vitamin D3 deficiency can also lead to osteoporosis, tooth decay, and nervous system disorders. Many clinical trials & retrospective studies have linked the active form of vitamin D (Vitamin D3) to blood pressure. These studies reveal that when the level of Vitamin D3 drops too far, the blood pressure rises as well as the bad cholesterol (LDL).

Vitamin D also appears to have a role in combating attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and autism. More than 4.4 million children have been diagnosed with ADHD. Health officials believe the incidence of autism is 1 in 150. The incidence among boys is even higher: 1 in 94. Vitamin D’s role in the development of the brain begins when the human brain undergoes its most rapid and complex formation between the last trimester of pregnancy and the first two years of life. Some of the new literature on Vitamin D3 suggests that it may be that a maternal Vitamin D3 deficiency sets the stage for autism. When combined with the right genetic propensity, which is linked to a high risk of autoimmune disorders, activating an immune reaction in the brain may trigger the effects on brain development associated with autism.

  • To bind with calcium for proper absorption.
  • To boost our immune system.
  • To prevent heart disease and high blood pressure.
  • It acts as anti-cancer properties and very important for menopause women.
  • Vitamin D3 has been found useful against autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Active ingredients
  • Vitamin D3 ( 3 drops = 20,000 IU)
Product Form
  • Liquid form - 20ml/bottle

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