I3C + DIM (Indole-3-Carbinol + Di-indolyl-methane)

Scientists have identified and isolated remarkable chemicals in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and watercress that can protect against cellular changes that lead to colon, breast, thyroid, and other cancers. Many studies have demonstrated that specific compounds isolated from these vegetables - including indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and its byproduct, di-indolyl-methane (DIM) - have unique cancer fighting benefits. They have been found to alter estrogen metabolism in both men and women, thus protecting against hormone dependent cancers such as those of the breast, cervix, and prostate. I3C, a key bio-active food component in cruciferous vegetables, has multiple anticarcinogenic and antitumorigenic properties. Numerous cell culture, animal, and human studies have demonstrated I3C's safety and tolerability, along with its targeted ability to suppress cancer growth and induce programmed cell death in a variety of tumors, including those associated with breast, prostate, endometrial, leukemia, and colon cancers.

I3C's beneficial effects are partly driven by one of its principal byproducts, DIM. DIM has recently been shown to promote production of beneficial interferon gamma by breast cancer cells. According to scientists at the University of California, Berkley, this effect may provide important clues to explain the anti-cancer effects of DIM because it is well known that interferon gamma plays an important role in preventing the development of primary and transplanted tumors. Scientists at Wayne State University School of Medicine recently noted that I3C and DIM affected the expression of a large number of genes that are related to the control of carcinogenesis, cell survival, and physiological behaviors.

Perhaps the single most important mechanism of action of I3C and DIM is modulating estrogen metabolism. Estrogen receptors are present on the surface of virtually every type of tissue in the bodies of both men and women, and are associated with several hormone dependent cancers.

Rising Estrogen in Men

Men are usually surprised to learn that estrogen is present in their bodies (just as women are surprised to learn their bodies have testosterone).It is produced in very small amounts as a byproduct of the testosterone conversion process. In fact, balanced levels of estrogen in men are essential to encourage a healthy libido, improved brain function, cardiac protection, and strengthening of the bones. But due to aging, body fat, excessive alcohol intake, hormonal replacement, nutritional deficiencies, pesticides, and prescription medicines, many men experience too high levels of estrogen, which are detrimental to their health. In fact, studies have shown that, because of all the above, the estrogen levels of the average fifty four year old man are higher than those of the average fifty nine year old woman. These high levels of estrogen can cause reduced levels of testosterone, with the resulting symptoms of an enlarged prostate, fatigue, increased body fat, loss of libido and sexual function, and loss of muscle tone.

Testosterone and Estrogen Balance in Men

When there is less testosterone present, estrogen moves in and attaches to testosterone cell receptor sites throughout the body. As these estrogen levels increase with age, testosterone is not able to stimulate the cells, which cause reduced sexual arousal and sensation, as well as loss of libido. Excess estrogen can also do the following.

  • It can shut down normal testosterone production. Excess estrogen saturates testosterone receptors in the hypothalamus in the rain, thereby reducing the testosterone signal sent to pituitary gland, which, in turn, reduces the secretion of luteinizing hormone, the necessary trigger the gonads need to produce testosterone.
  • It can increase the body's production of sex hormone- binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG binds testosterone in the blood, which reduces the amount of free bioavailable testosterone in the blood.
  • It can reduce the effectiveness of the testosterone replacement therapy by converting testosterone medications to estrogen. This conversion is known in medical circles as aromatization.
  • It can increase the long-terms risk of diabetes, heart disease, gynecomastia, and some cancers (possibly prostate and male breast)
Anti-cancer Protection with I3C + DIM

I3C modulates estrogen hormone by favorably changing the ratio of protective and less potent 2-hydroxyestrone versus the damaging 16-hydroxyestrone. I3C also induces phase I and II detoxifying enzymes that can help neutralize estrogen metabolites and xenobiotic estrogen-like environmental chemicals. Human studies support the beneficial role of I3C in positively altering estrogen metabolism.

DIM helps maintain normal level of a potentially damaging estrogen called 4-hydroxyestrone. DIM, when consumed in food, encourages its own metabolism and this special metabolic pathway for DIM and the enzymes involved, precisely overlap with the pathway needed for healthy estrogen metabolism.

Obviously, men who are concerned about healthy aging, or are experiencing the unpleasant symptoms of low testosterone, or are undergoing testosterone replacement therapy, need to test their estrogen levels. If these are too high, they need to reduce the excess estrogen to a safe range as they increase their testosterone levels.

Active Ingredient

  • Indole-3-carbinol (I3C)50mg, Di-indolyl-methane (DIM) 100mg
Consumption Method
  • Adult: Take 1 tablet 2 times per day (after meals)
  • Children: 1/2 the dosage of adult.

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